Installing Packages in Linux

In my day job(s) and personal projects I often find myself having to setup environments. Environment problems are the worst problems. They're frustrating. They're inherently platform dependent. Sometimes, they require you to know and understand things about the underlying platform that you really didn't care to know. C'est la vie.

A recurring theme that I frequently encounter is the need to install packages in a variety of operating systems. This might be for infrastructure work, setting up static servers, configuring Jenkins nodes, creating crash environments, or test environments. It's common enough that I've had to scrounge around my poor memory on more than one occasion trying to recall how I solved something once upon a time - where "once upon a time" is more like every other month.

When I first started looking at this totally solved problem I had a paradigm where I maintained an installation script for each type of OS I might encounter.

A first pass

The scripts would be pretty boiler-plate and generally have the same packages, shebang, and flow in each file. For the sake of brevity I'll confine myself to rpm and deb based systems. Those files might look something like:

sudo yum install -y package-a \
    package-b \
    package-c \
sudo apt-get install -y package-a \
    package-b \
    package-c \

The only actual difference here, as you might tell, are the OS specific commands to install packages on a given system.

First consolidation

The next evolution of my thought was that it'd be nice to have some extra information and a more structured way to see what is (and isn't) getting installed. So we turn to arrays and loops:

set -euxo pipefail

declare -a packages
packages=( package-a package-b package-c package-d )

for i in "${packages[@]}"; do
    installed=$(rpm -q $i)

    if [ "$installed" == "package $i is not installed" ]; then
        sudo yum install -y $i
set -euxo pipefail

declare -a packages
packages=( package-a package-b package-c package-d  )

for i in "${packages[@]}"; do
    installed=$(dpkg -s $i | grep status)

    if [ "$installed" != "Status: install ok installed" ]; then
        sudo apt-get install -y $1

The consolidation here is really not a consolidation so much as a re-organization. It's just a different way of adding structure to the install script. Instead of trusting the package installation programs to give us some sane and easy to parse information, we've taken the responsibility into our own hands. We're very deliberately checking whether or not each package was already installed and installing it if it wasn't. I, personally, also like the array of packages instead of the multi-line list with trailing \'s. That's broadly preference.

Second consolidation

Since bash is prolific I'll take the assumption that it's available on our target systems. Well, that, and I've manufactured a contrived example. That means we can consolidate to something like:

set -euxo pipefail

declare -a packages
packages=( package-a package-b package-c package-d )

if hash rpm 2>/dev/null; then
    # This is an RPM based system
    for i in "${packages[@]}"; do
        installed=$(rpm -q $i)

        if [ "$installed" == "package $i is not installed" ]; then
            sudo yum install -y $i
    # We assume this is a deb based system
    for i in "${packages[@]}"; do
        installed=$(dpkg -s $i | grep status)

        if [ "$installed" != "Status: install ok installed" ]; then
            sudo apt-get install -y $i

Now we only have to maintain a single script for two broad categories of operating systems. When doesn't this work, you ask? It doesn't work well when you have a common package that is named two different things between the rpm and deb systems.

Performance Tuning and Improvements

I'm going to defer the actual experimentation to its own post. It seems like a good opportunity to talk about how we can measure and benchmark such things - and I haven't posted in a while so getting something out is probably a good idea anyway. There's some good improvements that we'll make on this script in my next post on this topic.

To be continued....